Reactions & Proteins

  1. 6. Enzyme that moves around groups containing C, N, or P
  2. 8. R-NH2
  3. 11. Enzyme that uses water to break bonds
  4. 15. Protein monomer
  5. 16. Anything that lowers the activation energy of a reaction
  6. 18. Bond formed between 2 amino acids
  7. 20. Enzyme that forms isomers
  8. 22. spherical masses of polypeptides with quaternary structure
  9. 23. A polypeptide shape seen in secondary structure
  10. 25. Protein structure level consisting of disulfide bridges
  11. 28. A protein catalyst
  12. 31. Protein structure level consisting of α-helices & β-pleated sheets
  13. 34. long strands of polypeptides with quaternary structure
  14. 35. Macromolecule made from amino acids
  15. 36. The reactants that bind into an enzyme's active site
  16. 37. A strong chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron
  17. 38. Protein dimer
  1. 1. Enzyme that forms bonds
  2. 2. Bond between 2 S in the hydrophobic region of a polypeptide with tertiary structure
  3. 3. A polypeptide shape seen in secondary structure
  4. 4. The required amount of energy necessary for a reaction to occur
  5. 5. Substance that is produced by a chemical reaction
  6. 7. Protein structure level consisting of 2 or more polypeptides
  7. 9. Protein structure level consisting of a string of amino acids
  8. 10. A basic subunit of a macromolecule
  9. 12. Enzyme that performs redox reactions
  10. 13. Substance that is put into a chemical reaction
  11. 14. Molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas
  12. 17. R-COOH
  13. 19. Type of reaction that releases energy
  14. 21. A complex unit of a macromolecule comprised of 2 or more subunits
  15. 24. Protein polymer
  16. 26. A compound of C and H
  17. 27. A weal chemical bond formed between a H and an electronegative atom
  18. 29. The region of an enzyme that a substrate binds to
  19. 30. Type of reaction that absorbs energy
  20. 32. Enzyme that forms double bonds
  21. 33. Non-specific side-chain