
  1. 3. what are two or more elements bonded together called?
  2. 5. the topic’s name
  3. 6. what do you call a row in the periodic table?
  4. 9. what is the element named after the creator of the current periodic table?
  5. 11. first found by Democitus that makes up everything
  6. 12. contains neutrons and protons
  7. 13. the scientific term for giving out heat
  8. 14. it has an atomic weight of 24.3
  9. 15. gives negative energy (-energy)
  1. 1. what does Uus stand for in the periodic table?
  2. 2. the name of the first group in the periodic table
  3. 4. the most reactive wins a new partner
  4. 7. a reaction that cannot be reversed
  5. 8. occurs during the test for Hydrogen
  6. 10. atom that only contains carbon atoms and hydrogen
  7. 16. 8 neutrons