Read and Writing Skills

  1. 4. It involves communicating by making signs on a page.
  2. 7. Telling a story.
  3. 8. Using the correct forms of language when we write.
  4. 10. Express main points or ideas in few words.
  5. 12. get the correct message of the reading.
  6. 13. Refers to make changes and correct errors in a written document
  7. 14. Understanding information that is not in the text.
  8. 15. This is also known as reading for global understanding.
  9. 16. The first version of a piece of writing.
  1. 1. Thinking and listing ideas or vocabulary about a topic.
  2. 2. Read in different ways, according to the purpose of reading..
  3. 3. When we read just to find a specific piece of information.
  4. 5. A receptive skill that involves making sense of written texts.
  5. 6. The amount of words we use to communicate.
  6. 9. It means using clues before reading.
  7. 11. A text type.