Reading Comprehension - February CARS

  1. 1. Trigger, activate or motivate
  2. 3. comparing two objects NOT using like or as
  3. 4. Walkway, path or road
  4. 5. On the edge or margin; A crucial or critical point
  5. 6. border, edge or outside
  6. 7. Incomparable or matchless
  7. 12. to develop in access
  8. 14. Coffin, tomb or casket
  9. 16. To make a conclusion, suggestion or interpretation about something
  10. 17. Valuable, helpful or useful
  11. 18. comparing two objects USING like or as
  12. 19. Serious, important or basic
  1. 2. Outstanding, significant or incredible
  2. 4. A company, business or partnership
  3. 8. Bringing non-living things to life
  4. 9. Scientific study of fossils
  5. 10. Cover, masque or camouflage
  6. 11. Followers, helpers or assistants
  7. 13. Disappoint, dishearten or putt off someone
  8. 15. Surprised, amazed or stunned
  9. 17. Push, charge or elbow someone