- 3. Use the ___ release model to slowly allow students to assume control of learning.
- 4. ___ is the act of thinking about thinking.
- 6. ___ knowledge is the ability to use words in a variety of contexts.
- 12. ___ is defined as knowledge of words and their meanings.
- 14. Classroom management is about ___ discipline.
- 19. ___ is essential to comprehension.
- 20. Comprehension ___ is the ongoing evaluation of the reader's understanding of text.
- 21. Restorative discipline is rooted in restorative ___.
- 22. ___ are the meaningful parts or units of a word.
- 23. Restorative discipline practices help steer kids away from the cradle-to-prison ___.
- 24. Tier ___ words are basic and used in everyday language.
- 25. In social studies, you should always try to think like an ___.
- 1. Deep learning is the process of learning for ___.
- 2. ___ discipline is based on school rules and pre-established consequences for punishing behavior.
- 5. Teachers should give ___-friendly explanations, not dictionary definitions.
- 7. ___ instruction needs to be explicit, strategic, purposeful, and integrated.
- 8. ___ allows students to comment or reach meaning as they read.
- 9. The foundation of restorative discipline is the use of ___ language.
- 10. ___ process focus on building relationships and a sense of community.
- 11. ___ can be used when a student has a personal crisis or needs to repair relationships.
- 13. The CCSS require knowledge of ___ vocabulary.
- 15. Tier ___ words are domain-specific, low-frequency, and used in the context of one content area.
- 16. ___ is the study of the origin and history of a word.
- 17. Tier ___ words are encountered in reading & lecture; "general academic words."
- 18. Students need multiple varied ___ to new vocabulary words.