Real Estate

  1. 1. Scored 100%
  2. 4. Legal Tender
  3. 6. Get the ____
  4. 9. Covering that keeps out the rain
  5. 10. Make your ______ come
  6. 15. Barge's Back
  7. 16. Great Deal
  8. 17. To change houses, go to a new house
  9. 18. ________ for the best
  10. 20. Great minds think ______
  11. 23. Take the first _____
  12. 24. Seek Help
  13. 25. Your next realtor
  14. 28. ______ Good Times, Come on!
  15. 29. Can't do without
  16. 31. money can't buy me _____
  1. 2. The price is right
  2. 3. Cream of the crop
  3. 5. Medal of honor recipient
  4. 7. ______ your instinct
  5. 8. Lap of ______
  6. 11. Become one
  7. 12. Genies offerings
  8. 13. Where you live; it's more than just a house it’s a
  9. 14. Fullfiled
  10. 16. Long walks on the
  11. 19. Want
  12. 20. Impressed
  13. 21. Opens Doors
  14. 22. You've got a ______ in me
  15. 26. Not before or after
  16. 27. Show me the ______
  17. 30. Compass direction