Real Number System

  1. 4. a decimal with repeating digits or repeating sequences of digits
  2. 6. the number of equal factors needed to find that root
  3. 10. the number inside of the radical
  4. 12. the number you are dividing by
  5. 14. numbers that can't be expressed as a fraction or whose decimal expansion never terminates and doesn't repeat
  6. 17. the value of an integer squared
  7. 19. a number that is not a whole number but expressed as a ratio
  1. 1. the dividend located above the fraction bar
  2. 2. a decimal with the repeating digit zero
  3. 3. the number you want to divide into
  4. 5. the divisor located under the fraction bar
  5. 7. two numbers compared as a fraction where the denominator is not zero
  6. 8. all numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, terminating or repeating decimal
  7. 9. natural numbers including zero
  8. 11. of a number is one of it's two equal factors
  9. 13. the answer of a division problem
  10. 15. positive and negative numbers including on the number line but no fractions or decimals
  11. 16. counting numbers 1,2,3,4... but not zero
  12. 18. the symbol used to take a root