Realism and Liberalism Review

  1. 6. the main objective of states in a realist system
  2. 7. _________ Peace Theory- theory born out of liberalism
  3. 10. the main actors in the theory of realism
  4. 11. ____-____ actors have a role in liberalism
  5. 12. the main actors in the theory of liberalism
  6. 13. states exist in a system of ________
  7. 14. theorist who wrote Two Treatises of Government 1689
  8. 15. signifies existence of independent community
  9. 18. theorist who wrote The Leviathan
  10. 19. concern for power is overridden by a concern for _______ and political considerations
  1. 1. states compete for ________
  2. 2. states compete for _________
  3. 3. state________ is one instrument realists utilize
  4. 4. theorist who wrote Perpetual Peace 1795
  5. 5. international ________ are of great importance
  6. 8. one of the key aspects to the liberalist theory
  7. 9. idea that states are connected
  8. 15. idea that no other state can be relied upon
  9. 16. spread of _______ organizations is a key belief of liberalism
  10. 17. the world is a _______ community