
  1. 1. Period after WWII (two in one).
  2. 5. Based on the idea that humans are flawed and threats are everywhere.
  3. 10. Study of conflict and cooperation in the International system.
  4. 12. The absence of rule or government.
  5. 14. These levels are used to look at situations or events.
  6. 15. According to Realists states act as a solid entity without division.
  7. 17. The belief that those in power have the right to rule.
  8. 18. Two major powers in the system.
  9. 20. Helps us study the world and tells us where to look.
  1. 2. Realists believe that laws guiding IR are this.
  2. 3. Given to states by the the treaty of Westphalia.
  3. 4. Increased interdependence between states.
  4. 6. Proposed that humans are selfish and self-interested.
  5. 7. Measures the size, force and strength of an army.
  6. 8. Wrote The Prince.
  7. 9. Realists believe there is no place for IR theory.
  8. 11. Offered first systematic scientific observation of historical events.
  9. 13. Morgenthau, Machiavelli and Thucydides are this kind of Realist.
  10. 16. Largest power in the international system also means chieftain.
  11. 19. States, non-governmental organizations and terrorists organizations.