Reconstruction (Aliyah and Sophi)

  1. 4. He established a reputation as one of the most radical American politicians of the era
  2. 5. Declare African Americans equal treatment in public arrangements
  3. 6. A federal law passed which removed the fine force of confederates by the 14th amendment
  4. 8. They packed all of their belongings into a bag and moved to the south
  5. 9. Large farms that usually major in growing crops
  6. 10. The man who killed Abraham Lincoln
  7. 11. The legislature of the federal government of the United States
  8. 13. Against to slavery Antislavery
  9. 14. Someone who wanted to abolish slavery-
  10. 18. A US political party who views are conservative
  11. 19. Amendment- Congress proposed this to the Constitution
  12. 23. Became the first African American to work in the U.S. Senate in 1870 to 1871
  13. 25. The time where the government worked to rebuild the southern states reunite the nation
  14. 27. A place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury
  15. 28. laws enforcing racial segregation in the South
  16. 30. Law that gave African Americans legal rights equal to white Americans
  17. 31. War A cruel war that lasted from 1861 to 1865
  18. 33. Lousiniana elected a new state legislature under this plan
  19. 34. Separating something or someone from other thing
  20. 35. A argument between Democrats in the south and allies to settle the result of the presidential election of 1876
  21. 37. Act of 1867 outlined the terms to return representation of the confederacy
  22. 38. The first African American to lead over the Senate in 1879
  23. 39. A member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania
  24. 40. 17th President of the united states from 1865 to 1869
  25. 41. 11 states that left the United states in 1860 following the election of President Abraham Lincoln
  26. 42. The states in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware ect
  1. 1. The 17th president of the United states from 1865 to 1869
  2. 2. A person who behaves badly and is worthless
  3. 3. Law that are passed in the southern states during the Reconstruction
  4. 7. The President during the Civil War
  5. 12. Is one of the two main political parties in the United States, the other is the Republican Party
  6. 15. Allow residency to all people born or take in the United States, including former enslaved people and guaranteed all citizens
  7. 16. A decision and landmark that upheld the lawfulness of racial segregation in 1896
  8. 17. A Government union in the Southern United States during the Reconstruction Era
  9. 20. Pardon A decision made by the government to allow someone to be relieved of all or some of their legal consequences
  10. 21. Rules that are created and enforced to help us be safe
  11. 22. Started with a problem in Europe, when the share price crashed
  12. 24. A tax of a fixed amount on every responsible individual
  13. 26. Member of Congress who felt that the south states needed to make good changes
  14. 29. Before a state could rejoin the union it had to meet two conditions under this law
  15. 32. Period following the civil war during which the U.S government worked to connect the nation
  16. 36. bureau Supply food, shelter, clothing, medical services and land to replace southerners