Reconstruction Project Amenah

  1. 3. Guaranteed African Americans equal rights in public places such as theaters, and public transportation
  2. 5. A purpose to provide relief for all poor people, black and white, in the South
  3. 6. These acts divided the south into five districts
  4. 10. A vice president that was responsible for reconstruction
  5. 11. process of reuniting the nation and rebuilding the southern states without slavery
  6. 13. People who wanted the southern states to change much more than they had before so they could return to the Union
  7. 14. Laws that greatly limited the freedom of African Americans
  8. 15. An act that allowed former Confederates, except those who held high ranks, to hold public office
  9. 17. This secret society opposed civil rights, and hid their identities
  10. 19. Leader of Radical Republicans
  11. 20. Marked the beginning of a severe economic downturn that soon put an estimated 3 million people out of work
  12. 21. It made state laws subject to review by federal courts
  1. 1. Gave African American men throughout the United States to vote
  2. 2. During a play, he sneaked into the president's theater box and shot him
  3. 4. Gave African American men throughout the United States to vote
  4. 7. Provided African Americans with the same legal rights as white Americans
  5. 8. a bill of 1864proposed for the Reconstruction of the South
  6. 9. a United States presidential proclamation issued on December8,1863
  7. 12. Southern Democrats cared even less for white southern Republicans, they referred to them as a name
  8. 16. Made slavery illegal throughout the United States
  9. 18. He became an important Republican in Mississippi and was the first African American to serve a full term as a U.S. senator.