
  1. 4. Abolished slavery in the United States and provides "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude".
  2. 6. Principle in which the people are the only source of government power.
  3. 8. Accusation against a public official of wrong doing in office.
  4. 10. Amendment prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote.
  5. 11. of America Government of 11 southern states tht eceded from the united states and fought against the union in the civil war.
  6. 15. 16th president of the United States.
  7. 16. Congressman who advocate full citizenship rights for African American along with harsh reconstruction policy toward the south.
  8. 18. 17th president of the United states.
  9. 19. Organization that promotes hatred and descrimintion against specific ethnic and religious groups.
  1. 1. Segregation laws enacted in the South after reconstruction.
  2. 2. Segregation imposed by law.
  3. 3. Machine invented in 1793 to seperate the cottom fiber from the seeds.
  4. 5. Supreme court ruling stating that slaves were not citizens, congress had no jurisdiction over slavery.
  5. 7. Program Implented by the federal government between 1865 and 1877 to repair damage to the south caused by the civil war.
  6. 9. American politician who was U.S. representative and senator from Mississippi.
  7. 12. Amendment adresses citizenship rights and equal protection of laws.
  8. 13. Political agreement that allowed california to be admitted as a free state by allowing popular soverengity in the territories and enacting a stricter fugitive slave law.
  9. 14. Federal agency designed to aid freed slaves and poor white farmers.
  10. 17. Reformer who sought to end slavery.