
  1. 2. The tasks of a job which need to be done
  2. 6. When a company chooses which person to take the job which has arisen
  3. 7. A list of what a person is like: their personality or character
  4. 8. When a company aims to have applicants contacting the organisation to work there
  5. 10. This arises when a job needs to be filled by someone
  1. 1. The sort of applicant the organisation wants as shown in a Specification
  2. 2. These COULD be possessed by a job applicant
  3. 3. A type of form which is completed by someone wanting to work in an organisation
  4. 4. These MUST be possessed by a job applicant
  5. 5. A list of what a person is good at
  6. 9. Someone who is responsible to an employer