Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells

  1. 5. old RBC are ...
  2. 7. ... is the last factor affecting RBC number
  3. 9. blood cells is made in ..., erythropoiesis happens here
  4. 13. RBC contains ... although denucleated. netting shape
  5. 14. .... also affects number of RBC
  6. 15. other word for WBC
  7. 18. produces antibodies to attack foreign cells or proteins
  8. 22. RBC is ... to provide more space for oxygen
  9. 24. twice the size of RBC, ovel/kidney bean shape
  10. 26. second materials needed for RBC production
  11. 29. multiple nucleus,smaller size, numerous granules, discharges granules containing histamine and heparin
  12. 32. second phase of RBC
  13. 35. attacks foreign and tumor cells
  14. 36. an average adult has about ... litres of blood
  15. 38. RBC is small and flexible to pass through ...
  16. 39. third phase of RBC, produced through RBC formation
  17. 40. containing T and B cells
  1. 1. WBC with no granules, long lived
  2. 2. first product of when old RBC's haemoglobin decomposes
  3. 3. biliverdin is used in the ... then excreted as bile pigments
  4. 4. other word for platelets
  5. 6. release oxygen
  6. 8. third materials needed for RBC production
  7. 10. ... affects number of RBC
  8. 11. WBC with granules, short lived
  9. 12. makes up 45% of blood
  10. 16. the iron is used in ...
  11. 17. oxygen carrying protein
  12. 19. red blood cell formation
  13. 20. second product of when old RBC's haemoglobin decomposes
  14. 21. RBC contains a huge amount of ...
  15. 23. bi-lobed nuclei, uniformed granules, modertates allergic reactions
  16. 25. first materials needed for RBC production
  17. 27. most common, 2-5 lobed nucleus, faint granules, ingests bacteria, fungus, protozoa, etc
  18. 28. prolonged oxygen deficiency
  19. 30. combine with oxygen
  20. 31. shape of RBC to increase surface area
  21. 33. type of stem cell in the bone marrow, first stage of RBC
  22. 34. fourth materials needed for RBC production
  23. 37. other name of RBC