Red Scare Quiz on Monday

  1. 2. this was the United States' strategy to keep communism from spreading
  2. 3. Stalin refused the pull his Red Army out of this part of the world after WWII
  3. 5. this country had a civil war and as a result of it, communists prevailed in 1949
  4. 6. the Cold War was so scary because both the capitalists and the communists had this type of bomb
  5. 8. this country became communists AFTER WWII, as the Soviets liberated it from the Japanese and installed a communist dictator
  6. 11. this country was split after WWII - there was a capitalist half and a communist half
  7. 12. future US president who made a name for himself hunting communists in HUAC
  8. 16. this country was invaded by North Korea, starting the Korean War
  9. 17. this country came to the defense of North Korea in the Korean War and successfully pushed the US and South Korea back
  10. 18. if you are summoned before HUAC and you refuse to cooperate, what will likely happen to you professionally
  11. 20. this was a military alliance of all the capitalist countries in Europe and in North America - if the Soviets attacked one, all committed to each others' defense
  12. 21. this part of the Bill of Rights allows you to have whatever political beliefs you want, as long as you don't take violent action
  1. 1. what we call highways that cross state borders
  2. 2. long (45 year) period of tension and hostility between capitalist US and communist Soviet Union
  3. 4. spying, the Rosenbergs were executed for conspiracy to commit this crime
  4. 7. this was a series of loans and grants to help western Europe rebuild after WWII; those countries would be allies during the Cold War
  5. 9. what we call this 1950s period of communism paranoia and wild accusations in US culture and politics
  6. 10. US citizens had a real fear that this was spreading throughout the world during the Cold War
  7. 13. the Korean War ended with one of these, where no side was gaining ground
  8. 14. Wisconsin senator who name is now synonymous with unfounded accusations and a reckless witchhunt
  9. 15. House committee that subpoenaed suspected communists in Hollywood and academia
  10. 16. Soviet dictator at the start of the Cold War
  11. 19. McCarthy and other Republicans accused Democrats of being ______ on communism and letting it spread throughout the world