Red Standard Crossword #12

  1. 2. A group of gods or a temple for gods, meaning "all of the gods" in Greek.
  2. 4. Capital and largest city of Greece whose patron goddess is the city's namesake.
  3. 7. An external building constructed as a monument enclosing the burial chamber of a deceased person or people, one of these was built in Halicarnassus.
  4. 8. Meaning "love of wisdom" in Greek, it is the systematized study of general and fundamental questions.
  5. 9. Originating in western Greece, this column design is most easily recognized by the simple circular capitals at the top of columns.
  6. 10. Greek philosopher who challenged conventional wisdom, often credited as the founder of Western philosophy.
  1. 1. God of thunder and the sky, king of all gods, and ruler of Mount Olympus.
  2. 3. Goddess of hunting and the Moon, twin sister of Apollo.
  3. 5. What Ancient Greek statues are called.
  4. 6. After the Titanomachy this titan was condemned to hold up the heavens, until he is killed, in some versions freed, by Heracles.