Redwood National and State Parks Coastal Ecosystem

  1. 2. Outcropping of rocks off shore in the ocean
  2. 3. There are at least three species of this bird here. (Brandt, Pelagic, Double Crested)
  3. 4. Product of constant wave action pounding shores
  4. 5. Salmonid capable of multiple spawning trips between ocean and rivers
  5. 7. Also known as "by the wind sailors," these tiny bluish jellyfish sometimes wash up on our beaches in large numbers
  6. 9. The most common whale seen from the Klamath River Overlook and beaches
  7. 10. Water system that opens to the ocean just south of Orick
  8. 13. Geological source of most major earthquakes
  9. 16. Sea bird known for a large orange beak and gold feather tufts on their heads
  10. 17. Also known as King Salmon; the largest of the salmon
  11. 21. The most common sea lion off the RNSP shores
  12. 23. Grainy material at the water's edge
  13. 25. Grey whales and porpoises are a member of this greater family
  14. 26. Huge river system spreading through Northern California and Oregon
  15. 27. Fish who travel between ocean and freshwater environments
  16. 30. Sea lion larger than our California sea lion, usually more blonde in color
  17. 31. Pieces of branches and trees washed by wave action, sometimes end up on beaches
  18. 32. One of the last un-dammed rivers in California
  1. 1. Common mammal resident of waves and secluded beaches, often white or grey with darker spots
  2. 3. Also known as Silver Salmon; have hooked mouths and teeth on re-entry of fresh water
  3. 6. One of our coastal pines
  4. 8. Pesky non-native grass requiring removal
  5. 11. Land on the edge of the ocean
  6. 12. Eared seal less commonly seen than harbor seals
  7. 14. Common sea bird identified by a black head and back with a white underside
  8. 15. Ocean wave event triggered by underwater land slides or earthquakes
  9. 18. Looks like a miniature great white shark, common resident of coastal waters
  10. 19. Robin-sized endangered sea bird known for nesting in redwoods
  11. 20. Two species of this small whale-like creature can often be spotted off our shores. (Harbor, Dall)
  12. 22. Bodies of water separated from the ocean by narrow spits of sand
  13. 24. Red crab highly prized by commercial fisheries and marine predators
  14. 28. Coastal tree with bottle brush needles
  15. 29. Sand dwelling plant with either pink or yellow bunches of flowers