
  1. 3. I wake up
  2. 4. We feel
  3. 5. You (inf) leave
  4. 6. He/she feels
  5. 8. You (inf) forget
  6. 10. They shower
  7. 12. Y'all (inf, Spain) wash yourselves
  8. 14. Y'all (inf, Spain) get up
  9. 15. He/she put on clothes
  10. 17. He/she takes off clothes
  11. 18. I brush my teeth
  12. 19. You (inf) go to bed
  13. 21. We shower
  14. 22. I leave
  1. 1. We sit
  2. 2. They wake up
  3. 7. We take off clothes
  4. 9. I go to bed
  5. 10. They get up
  6. 11. They brush
  7. 13. He/she forget
  8. 16. Y'all (inf, Spain) sit
  9. 20. You (inf) put on clothes