Regional Integration

  1. 2. / ensuring domestic industries protected from competition
  2. 4. / tax on imported goods
  3. 6. / controls the money supply
  4. 8. / removing barriers among member states
  5. 9. / countries with lower standard of living
  6. 14. / businesses in other countries
  7. 15. / agreement among many
  8. 17. / trade unification between different states
  9. 18. / countries with high standard of living
  1. 1. / expenses by government
  2. 3. / reduces limitations on trade
  3. 5. / increased regional identity
  4. 7. / agreement between two
  5. 10. / movement of people due to economic integration
  6. 11. / countries interested in improving trade
  7. 12. / countries that lack developed natural resources
  8. 13. / free movement of goods between members
  9. 16. / state that stands on its own