regular and irregular verbs

  1. 5. (IN PAST SIMPLE) when a person gives you an object
  2. 6. is the regular form of the verb watch
  3. 7. is the irregular form of the verb write
  4. 8. is the irregular form of the verb buy
  5. 9. use the verb of put in irregular form
  6. 10. simple past of have
  7. 12. simple past of breAK
  8. 14. is the irregular form of the verb pay
  1. 1. you carry an object and you can't find it(in past simple)
  2. 2. is the irregular form of the verb fly
  3. 3. when you wound yourself with the knife
  4. 4. Simple Past of BRING
  5. 6. simple Past of GO
  6. 9. use the verbs of play in regular form
  7. 11. when you miss an object but then you see it
  8. 13. use the irregular form of the verb sink