Regulation of food intake

  1. 3. Organ that secretes the hunger hormone
  2. 5. Nerve that connects GI tract and medulla.
  3. 9. Part of the brain in charge of food intake regulation.
  4. 11. Signals that promote satiety
  5. 12. Signals that promote hunger
  6. 13. Hormone created by L cells
  7. 14. The X center is also known as lateral hypothalamic area.
  8. 15. Long term satiety hormone
  1. 1. Part of the brain known as "satiety center".
  2. 2. Hormone also known as CCK
  3. 4. Center that receives info from GI tract and regulates other areas of the brain.
  4. 6. Cells that secretes the long term satiety hormone
  5. 7. Hunger Hormone
  6. 8. Sensation of stomach emptiness and the need of eating.
  7. 10. Sensation of fullness.