Reinforced concrete design

  1. 3. distance between rebar that allow the concrete to be poured through
  2. 6. cutting of rebar to save cost and ensure the rebar provided is just enough for the intended use
  3. 7. this part of the rebar is bent inside the supports and provide bond strength between steel and concrete inside the supports
  4. 8. this type of diagram is a combined result of multiple load cases
  1. 1. this type of beam bears the load transferred from the beams above it to columns
  2. 2. this type of beam transfers the load from the slab to the beams below it
  3. 4. name of the limit state that deals with deflection,crack formation and vibration of structural members
  4. 5. name of the limit state that requires the factored internal forces to be below the factored
  5. 6. a concrete layer that protects the rebar from external environment