Relapse Prevention Coping Skills

  1. 4. affirm what others think
  2. 7. reach out to someone
  3. 9. visualize your emotions going up and then calming down
  4. 12. write out your day or your feelings in this special place
  5. 13. Listen to calming music with your eyes closed
  6. 14. painting your nails and getting good rest
  7. 16. make a list of the good and the bad
  8. 17. Imagine a wave going through your body from your head down to your toes
  9. 18. number the things you hear around you
  1. 1. practice the opposite of what you feel
  2. 2. Turn on the radio
  3. 3. Silently or out loud talk to your higher power
  4. 5. Don't Use Illicit substances
  5. 6. Make a list of the things you appreciate
  6. 8. running- gym- swimming- weights
  7. 10. close your eyes and lay down
  8. 11. Imagine hard emotions or a hard day sliding off your mind and letting it go
  9. 15. have a gentle heart and put your self in their shoes
  10. 19. inhale in and inhale out