Relationships Well-being

  1. 1. to be protected from
  2. 4. An example of a strong social network
  3. 7. Problem with stress research
  4. 9. unmarried people more likely to die from this
  5. 10. looked at retired people
  6. 11. People with social contact have less of this symptom
  7. 12. Marital disruption effects this system
  8. 13. were less happy then never married
  9. 14. Pearlin et al used them in their study
  10. 17. Problem with Krause study
  11. 18. developed General Adaption Syndrome
  1. 2. Their self esteem improved more with social support
  2. 3. investigated the risk of premature death
  3. 5. evaluation of yourself
  4. 6. An increase in social support can decrease this
  5. 8. DeLongis sample size
  6. 15. Buffering hypothesis says relationships reduce ....stress
  7. 16. Major researcher of main effect hypothesis