Reliefs & Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. a shelf that begins at the coast and descends to a depth of 200 m below the ocean.
  2. 6. where the land meets the sea
  3. 7. an area of land surrounded by water on all sides
  4. 10. a part of the sea that extends into the land
  5. 12. the tectonic plate between the Afrucan, Indo-Australian, and Eurasian plates
  6. 15. the area of land between mountains
  7. 16. classified into 3 categories: Continental, Coastal, and Oceanic landforms
  8. 17. can be grouped into sierras or mountain ranges
  9. 19. the tectonic plate between the Caribbean, Pacific, and Nazca plates
  10. 20. TRENCHES long, deep cracks in the abyssal plain
  1. 1. PLAINS where mid-ocean ridges are usually found
  2. 2. a term referring to a group of islands close together
  3. 3. the tectonic plate that hits north of Kyla’s country. (BONUS)
  4. 5. flat areas of land at higher altitudes
  5. 8. the tectonic plate where we can find the Atlas Mountains
  6. 9. a strip of land that extends to the sea
  7. 11. low flat areas of land
  8. 13. connects a peninsula to the continent
  9. 14. AMERICAN the tectonic plate north of the Caribbean
  10. 18. the continental shelf descends at the continental ______.