religion and languages

  1. 4. fastest growing religion
  2. 7. the people that made the romance languages
  3. 9. smallest country and holy site for christions
  4. 10. holy book of cristions
  5. 11. the alphabet that slavic languages use
  6. 13. languages that come from the roman empire.
  7. 14. patriarch of Jews, Christians, and Muslims
  8. 15. most popular language
  9. 16. holy book of Jews
  1. 1. some languages that are _______are german are english
  2. 2. where christions worship
  3. 3. holybook of islam
  4. 5. languages that are spoken in eastern europe
  5. 6. holy site of jews
  6. 8. jewish sybol
  7. 12. holy sit of muslims