Religion crossword

  1. 1. a islamic book
  2. 3. a god
  3. 5. a pilgrims journey
  4. 6. the lord's son
  5. 9. map a diagram
  6. 11. name of something
  7. 13. something that happened
  8. 16. ,treat others the way you want to be treated
  9. 17. type of religion
  10. 18. is something you believe in
  11. 19. Anno Domini
  12. 20. ten rules
  13. 22. noble truths in buddhism
  14. 23. a type of religion
  1. 2. being born in a new body
  2. 3. Before Christ
  3. 4. the new testament
  4. 7. 100 years
  5. 8. 1000 years
  6. 10. things put in order
  7. 12. a religion
  8. 14. 10 years
  9. 15. belif that there's only one god
  10. 21. common era