- 5. What happened to Jesus 3 days after death
- 8. People who weave together the whole solution when reading the bible
- 10. The 21 books following Acts
- 12. 4 writers in the new testament
- 15. Someone who takes the bible word for word
- 16. Humans are created in the _____ and likeness of God
- 17. Jesus' mother
- 19. The promises made by God to people
- 1. Place of worship
- 2. Collection of books about Jesus
- 3. Son of God
- 4. Humans are _____ beings
- 6. The Roman empire that sentance Jesus to crucifixion
- 7. Collection of books about before Jesus' time
- 9. Jesus' father
- 11. Jesus' first disciple.
- 12. Creator of the world
- 13. Jesus' followers
- 14. Left in a basket by the side of the Nile River
- 18. The gospel writer that was a fisherman