- 4. This term refers to someone who dies for their faith or religion
- 6. This term means the belief in many gods
- 7. This term means the belief in only one god
- 9. Monotheistic, founded by Abraham, the first of the Abrahamic religions
- 10. This group of Muslims believes the leader of the religion should be a relative of the prophet Muhammad
- 12. This religion was founded by Muhammad on the Arabian Peninsula. It is monotheistic and the third of the Abrahamic religions to be founded
- 13. Belief system founded by Lao-Tzu, believes in going with the flow
- 14. This civilizations mythology included gods and goddesses like Jupiter, Mars, and Minerva
- 18. Religion from Japan that emphasizes respect for ancestors and spirits in animals, objects, and natural forces
- 19. Religion founded in India, believes in reincarnation, and whose holy books are the Vedas and the Upanishads
- 20. Belief system founded in China by Confucius
- 21. Holiest city in Islam
- 22. This civilizations mythology included gods and goddesses like Zeus, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
- 23. Religion founded by Jesus of Nazareth in the Roman Empire. It is monotheistic and the second of the Abrahamic religions
- 24. After the Great Schism, Western Europe practiced this form of Christianity
- 1. City in the Middle East that is important and holy to all three Abrahamic Religions
- 2. Religion founded in the Persian empire by a philosopher name Zoroaster, Believe in a duel state of god being both good and evil
- 3. Religion founded in India by Siddhartha Gautama, believes in reincarnation and Karma
- 5. values social order and respect for ones elders
- 8. This group of Muslims followed Muhammad's closest companion, the larger of the two groups
- 11. Belief system where spirits can be found in animals, objects, or forces of nature
- 15. This was the form of Christianity that was practiced in the Eastern Roman Empire and Eastern Europe
- 16. Series of conflicts fought between Islam and Christianity
- 17. This is a religion or belief system without any gods