
  1. 4. This term refers to someone who dies for their faith or religion
  2. 6. This term means the belief in many gods
  3. 7. This term means the belief in only one god
  4. 9. Monotheistic, founded by Abraham, the first of the Abrahamic religions
  5. 10. This group of Muslims believes the leader of the religion should be a relative of the prophet Muhammad
  6. 12. This religion was founded by Muhammad on the Arabian Peninsula. It is monotheistic and the third of the Abrahamic religions to be founded
  7. 13. Belief system founded by Lao-Tzu, believes in going with the flow
  8. 14. This civilizations mythology included gods and goddesses like Jupiter, Mars, and Minerva
  9. 18. Religion from Japan that emphasizes respect for ancestors and spirits in animals, objects, and natural forces
  10. 19. Religion founded in India, believes in reincarnation, and whose holy books are the Vedas and the Upanishads
  11. 20. Belief system founded in China by Confucius
  12. 21. Holiest city in Islam
  13. 22. This civilizations mythology included gods and goddesses like Zeus, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
  14. 23. Religion founded by Jesus of Nazareth in the Roman Empire. It is monotheistic and the second of the Abrahamic religions
  15. 24. After the Great Schism, Western Europe practiced this form of Christianity
  1. 1. City in the Middle East that is important and holy to all three Abrahamic Religions
  2. 2. Religion founded in the Persian empire by a philosopher name Zoroaster, Believe in a duel state of god being both good and evil
  3. 3. Religion founded in India by Siddhartha Gautama, believes in reincarnation and Karma
  4. 5. values social order and respect for ones elders
  5. 8. This group of Muslims followed Muhammad's closest companion, the larger of the two groups
  6. 11. Belief system where spirits can be found in animals, objects, or forces of nature
  7. 15. This was the form of Christianity that was practiced in the Eastern Roman Empire and Eastern Europe
  8. 16. Series of conflicts fought between Islam and Christianity
  9. 17. This is a religion or belief system without any gods