  1. 2. Christian symbol found on many church buildings
  2. 3. small case on the doorposts of Jewish homes
  3. 6. symbol of anointing
  4. 7. they symbolize the five pillars of Islam
  5. 9. color of purity
  6. 10. Jewish prayer shawl
  7. 12. symbol of Jesus’ body
  8. 14. represents Jesus as light of the world
  9. 17. symbol of Jesus’ blood
  1. 1. flower symbol in Buddhism
  2. 2. ___________ moon
  3. 4. Jewish dietary code
  4. 5. it has straps and boxes and worn in Judaism
  5. 7. statue that symbolize Hindu Gods
  6. 8. symbol of cleansing
  7. 11. animal that is a symbol of Jesus
  8. 13. in Islam this symbolizes the heavens
  9. 15. Hindu sacred sound symbol
  10. 16. symbolizes the Holy Spirit