- 4. what happens in a story
- 8. who is in a story
- 9. how many books did we read this year
- 11. someone who tells a story
- 13. how many takeaways/bullet points do we write at the end of chapters?
- 16. where/when a story takes place
- 18. Where we keep the books in the classroom
- 20. laminated slip that has annotation symbols on it
- 22. your first reading project
- 23. type of medal awarded to When You Reach Me
- 24. Ahmet's bully
- 25. how much money did Miranda's mom win?
- 1. Chaunte's sport
- 2. publisher of Boundless
- 3. the first book we read
- 5. the first name of the author of TBATBOTC
- 6. point of view of all of our books
- 7. what types of stories did you write for your signature experience
- 10. main character in When You Reach Me
- 12. what we do when we take notes in our books
- 14. Where did Chaunte live in California?
- 15. genre of When You Reach Me
- 17. Chaunte has _______ sisters
- 19. Chaunte worked at the __________________
- 21. the refugee child