- 2. States would print their own ___ even though they weren't supposed to
- 4. The constitution made the government ___ so that they couldn't favor other states
- 8. Shay's rebelleion convinced American leaders that little protected them from ___
- 9. The federalist system of government created a balance of ___
- 10. Because the U.S could not ___ they were in dept
- 12. Who saw America as a future world power?
- 15. Shay's rebellion protested taxes imposed on by ___
- 16. After the revolutionary war ended, stats acted more like ___ then as part of the same nation
- 18. What city did the delicates meet in?
- 20. Because the governtment could not stop Shay's rebellion, a local ___ had to stop it.
- 1. The constitution was based on ___
- 3. The continental congress could pass laws, but they weren't good at ___ them
- 5. Shay was NOT a ___ landowner, and thats why he rebelled against the government of Massachuwsetts
- 6. The western land was filled with ___ tribes
- 7. What book did Noah Webster write
- 11. What power was held only by the National Government?
- 13. What river borders the western lands won by the Americans in the revelation?
- 14. The U.S army nearly ___ because they couldn't tax the states.
- 17. States ___ goods manufactured in other states
- 19. Nine-thirteenths of congress had to agree to pass a new ___