Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution Vocabulary Quiz

  1. 6. The belief that reason and experience must be present for the solution of problems.
  2. 7. Relating to earthly life rather than to religious or spiritual matters.
  3. 8. A movement of the Catholic Church, in reaction to the Reformation, in which Catholic leaders worked to correct abuses, to clarify & defend Catholic teachings, to condemn what they saw as Protestant errors, and to win back members.
  4. 10. Monarchy, A monarchy in which the ruler's power is unlimited.
  5. 11. A Protestant denomination of Christian faith founded by John Calvin.
  6. 13. A religious movement that created a new form of Christianity known as Protestantism.
  7. 15. A soldier who fights for money rather than loyalty to a country.
  8. 19. Shapes like stretched circles; ovals.
  9. 21. A religious belief that God has already decided who will go to heaven and who will not.
  10. 23. A Protestant denomination of Christian faith founded by Martin Luther.
  11. 25. Areas of study that focus on human life and culture, such as history, literature, and ethics.
  12. 26. Method, The steps for an orderly search for knowledge.
  13. 27. Revolution, A period from the 1500s to the 1700s in which many scientific advances changed people's traditional beliefs about science.
  1. 1. Conducting negotiations between countries.
  2. 2. The attraction that the Earth or another celestial body has on an object or near its surface.
  3. 3. An Italian city-state and leading cultural center during the Renaissance.
  4. 4. Art, Art influenced by the styles and techniques of ancient Greece and Rome.
  5. 5. An independent state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory.
  6. 9. A great flowering of culture, based on classical Greek and Roman ideas and art, that began in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and spread throughout Europe.
  7. 12. A Christian who separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation.
  8. 14. Theory, A theory that Earth is the center of the solar system or the universe.
  9. 16. An emphasis on worldly concerns; belief in the worth of the individual and that reason is the path to knowledge.
  10. 17. A particular religious group within a larger faith.
  11. 18. A Protestant denomination of Christian faith founded by King Henry VIII in England.
  12. 20. A way of showing the relationship between objects in a drawing to give the look of depth or distance.
  13. 22. A pardon, or forgiveness, of a sin.
  14. 24. Theory, A theory that places the sun at the center of the solar system with the planets, including Earth, revolving around it.