Renewable/Non Renewable Resources

  1. 4. remains of an ancient organism that is changed to coil, oil, or natural gas.
  2. 5. large piece of equipment that is used to generate power.
  3. 8. the splitting of an atom to produce electricity.
  4. 9. energy from a source that is replenished faster than it can be used up.
  5. 13. the type of cell that is used in solar panels. Uses selenium or silicon as the main material to make electricity.
  6. 14. the device that is used to capture wind energy to make electricity.
  7. 15. fuel used in nuclear fission reactors like those used at Brown's Ferry.
  8. 16. energy contained within the nucleus of an atom.
  9. 18. this material is captured as it sits usually directly above petroleum deposits deep in the Earth. Alabama has large platforms off the Mobile coast drilling for the substance.
  10. 19. the combining of atoms to produce electricity. Technology is still not completely developed.
  1. 1. hard fossil fuel that is mined out of the ground and used in many power plants. Largest deposits are in the Eastern U.S.
  2. 2. this is the means of saving energy.
  3. 3. used in cars to produce electricity chemically by combining hydrogen with oxygen.
  4. 6. fuel that comes from plant material, manure, or other organic matter.
  5. 7. dams are used to capture moving water and then run the water through a turbine to make electricity.
  6. 10. oil that is pumped from the ground to the surface.
  7. 11. deposits that can be extracted profitably at current prices using current technology.
  8. 12. energy that is produced from the breakdown of elements in the soil.
  9. 17. heating that uses hard materials like rock, stone, and brick to store heat during the day and release it at night.