Renowned Psychologists

  1. 3. theory of cognitive development
  2. 7. learning is a function of change in behavior
  3. 10. creator of attachment theory
  4. 12. gestalt therapy
  5. 13. law of effect principle
  6. 15. father of behaviourism
  7. 16. theory called Individual Psychology
  8. 17. child analysisl
  9. 19. mother of Family Therapy
  10. 21. theory of moral development
  1. 1. rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  2. 2. theory of personality involves a self-concept
  3. 4. theories on love, intelligence, and creativity
  4. 5. theories of neurotic needs
  5. 6. expert on human memory
  6. 8. sociocultural theory
  7. 9. learning theory in education
  8. 11. coined the term "erotic plasticity"
  9. 14. used the bobo doll
  10. 18. psychologist, humanistic philosopher
  11. 20. personality Trait Theory