Rent Collector

  1. 3. taking ... proves the most difficult
  2. 7. is a product of patience and persistence
  3. 11. arise in the most unexpected places
  4. 13. I would turn my leaves
  5. 14. has the power to change lives, minds, and hearts
  6. 17. I would sparkle
  7. 18. literature is the handbook for being human
  8. 20. first you must see it
  9. 21. I would warm and glow
  10. 22. in the dump makes water filthy
  1. 1. stories teach, always
  2. 2. forever
  3. 4. get away from themselves
  4. 5. people go where their .... have visited
  5. 6. one interprets literature with the ...
  6. 8. stories,like our very souls don't ...
  7. 9. is not enough
  8. 10. all good stories contain truth
  9. 12. in the dark makes it even darker
  10. 15. at times I can hear my ... screaming
  11. 16. provide a voice to our deepest feelings
  12. 18. we all harbor hope
  13. 19. sometimes broken things deserve to be repaired