Research and Vocabulary Skills

  1. 1. This bipedal droid always stays gold.
  2. 3. Last name of Indiana Jones and Han Solo actor.
  3. 5. To prevent Luke from dying of _________ (dangerously low body temperature), Han Solo places him inside the corpse of a Tantan to keep him warm.
  4. 7. The color of Samuel L. Jackson's light saber.
  5. 8. Princess Leia's last name.
  1. 1. The first name of the actress whose biography is titled The Princess Diarist.
  2. 2. Carrie Fisher died in 2016, but she appears _________ (adverb meaning after death) in the final Star Wars films.
  3. 4. Last name of actor who played R2D2.
  4. 6. Last name of puppeteer and voice actor known for roles such as Miss Piggy, Cookie Monster, and Yoda.
  5. 7. "May the fourth be with you" is an example of this type of figurative language where there is a humorous play on the double-meaning of a word.