Research Glossary

  1. 5. material nature as the only original and fundamental source of everything positivist.
  2. 6. study the distribution of certain characteristics in the totality of a population probabilistic/Is a sampling method
  3. 8. of concepts, categories and laws that objectively reflect reality.
  4. 9. a subgroup from a population.
  5. 10. is descriptive in nature
  1. 1. of all the elements that are being studied
  2. 2. linked to cognitive development sociocritical/Is based on social criticism
  3. 3. epistemological foundation tends to be explanatory
  4. 4. or foundation on which a thing rests and develops rationalist.
  5. 7. is the tentative answer to a problem
  6. 8. of instruments and means through which the method is carried out