- 3. Something that can inspire a writing
- 4. Restating something in your own words
- 6. A form of organizing a writing beforehand
- 7. Studying something
- 8. Written after organizing
- 9. Shortened version of writing
- 14. How believable books, people, and websites are
- 16. The essay right before submission
- 20. A preset within a medium
- 21. Directly restating something
- 22. The main part of an essay
- 24. Comes alongside crediting sources
- 25. Books, people, websites
- 1. Reasoning
- 2. The beginning of an essay
- 5. Determine own progress
- 10. The main point of an essay within a sentence
- 11. Actions that affect the subject
- 12. Acronym for facts reasons examples details
- 13. Change
- 14. Crediting books, people, and websites
- 15. The final paragraph in an essay
- 17. How an author writes
- 18. A list of all the credits given to books, people, and websites
- 19. The thing an essay is about
- 23. Action words