- 4. A research report submitted for a higher degree e.g. PhD
- 6. Repeating another person’s research In a similar situation
- 8. All sources of published data
- 11. Measuring phenomena and analysing research data using objective, statistical methods
- 12. Research designed to apply its findings to solving a specific, existing problem
- 13. evidence Data based on observation or experience
- 14. Starts out with observations and generates a theory
- 16. Begins with a theory and sets out to test it
- 1. A lengthy treatment of a theme
- 2. A research report submitted for academic degree
- 3. Explanations of how things function or why events occur
- 5. A proposition that can be tested for association or causality
- 7. A systematic and methodical process of enquiry and investigation with a view to increasing knowledge
- 9. A characteristic of a phenomenon that can be observed or measured
- 10. Examining phenomena and analysing research data using subjective interpretive methods
- 15. Research designed to make a contribution to general knowledge and theoretical understanding