Resource Management

  1. 3. An area in India that use pats and joheds to sustainably manage local water supplies
  2. 7. An industry that may suffer if a place experiences water insecurity
  3. 9. Farming without chemicals
  4. 11. Farming without any chemicals
  5. 12. When supply exceeds demand
  6. 14. An example of a waterborne disease
  7. 15. The name of a reservoir in the UK that form part of a water transfer scheme
  8. 16. The country that provides water to South Africa in a large scale water transfer scheme
  1. 1. An energy source that can be replaced within a person's lifespan
  2. 2. How far food has travelled from farm to plate
  3. 4. Large scale farming to maximise production (uses machinery and chemicals)
  4. 5. The type of water insecurity where an area does not receive enough rainfall
  5. 6. Removing the salt from sea water to manage water supplies
  6. 8. Water that is recycled and reused is known as what colour?
  7. 10. A reason that a country may experience water insecurity
  8. 13. When demand exceeds supply
  9. 17. The type of water insecurity where it is too expensive to abstract water