Resp - Lec 3: Lower airways

  1. 3. in birds, the unidirectional flow is very efficient and meets requirements of gas exchange required during ______.
  2. 7. embryonic devt of lower airways: the ____________ that surrounds the newly formed resp diverticulum (formed from endoderm) forms cartilage rings and connective tissue of the trachea.
  3. 8. the first branch of bronchi off the trachea is called the _______ or principal bronchus.
  4. 9. in birds, two ____________ bronchi run ventrally along the lungs, secondary bronchi arise from these ___________ bronchi, and enter the lungs (give rise to parabronchi > air capillaries)
  5. 10. the second branching of the bronchi is the ______ or secondary bronchus.
  6. 12. in birds, the unidirectional flow system does not have ______, but relies on anatomical orientation of secondary bronchial openings of cranial group of air sacs (bypassed by fresh air on inspiration).
  7. 14. the third branching of the bronchi is the segmental or __________ bronchus.
  8. 16. a _____________________ segment is comprised of a segmental (tertiary) bronchus and the lung tissue that it ventilates.
  9. 19. the trachealis muscle is ______ the rings of cartilage in the horse, cow and sheep. And outside in cats and dogs.
  10. 20. gas exchange in birds occurs in the air _________ that form loops from the walls of parabronchi (which are themselves loops from secondary bronchi).
  11. 22. the trachealis muscle is _______ involuntary muscle.
  12. 23. in birds, on ________________, fresh air moves into caudal air sacs and lungs, and stale air moves into cranial air sacs.
  13. 26. congenital defects of the resp system include trachea-oesophageal ________ when the caudal larynogotracheal groove fails to separate from the foregut. This can lead to aspiration of food.
  14. 27. the _______ group of air sacs in birds include – caudal thoracic (x2) and abdominal (x2).
  15. 29. in birds, on ____________, air sacs are compressed and fresh air is pushed from caudal air sacs into lungs, and stale air from cranial air sacs is expelled. (unidirectional flow)
  16. 30. the structure of the airways in mammals results in __-directional movement of air through all of the airways.
  17. 33. instead of having cartilage rings like the trachea, bronchi have cartilaginous _______.
  18. 34. some ____ _________ occurs across the walls of the respiratory bronchioles, as they have some alveoli along their walls, leading into the alveolar duct
  19. 38. at the level of the 4th-5th thoracic vertebrae, the trachea __________ into left and right principal bronchi.
  20. 39. about 4-5 _____________ parabronchi(tertiary bronchi) arise from each secondary bronchi in birds.
  21. 41. the ______ present only in birds is located at the bifurcation of the trachea, and is used for vocalisation. Made up of pessulus, a strong cartilage wedge in the bifurcation, and tympanic membranes in the lateral and medial walls of each of the primary bronchi. – sound produced by vibration.
  22. 42. embryonic devt of lower airways: resp diverticulum continues to grow caudally and forms two _____ buds.
  1. 1. the cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and ___________ air sacs in birds are PAIRED.
  2. 2. embryonic devt of lower airways – the foregut gives rise to a groove in the floor of the future oesophagus – the laryngotracheal groove – lips fold in and fuse – resp divertidulum develops – opening still remains, maintaining a cranial connection to the foregut at the level of the ______.
  3. 4. the branching of the lower airways: trachea > primary/principal bronchus > secondary/lobar bronchus > tertiary/segmental bronchus > ______ bronchus > bronchiole > terminal bronchiole > respiratory bronchiole > alveolar duct > alveolar sac
  4. 5. this (smooth) muscle supports the roof of the trachea (OUTSIDE the incomplete dorsal aspect of the cartilage rings in carnivores, and INSIDE in herbivores)
  5. 6. congenital defects of the resp system include tracheal hypoplasia – an abnormal ____________ of the trachea due to a defect in the growth of tracheal cartilages.
  6. 8. the name for the tertiary bronchi in birds that form loops between the secondary bronchi, and give rise to loops of air capillaries.
  7. 11. due to the bi directional movement of air thorough the airways of mammals, some _______ air remains in the lungs after exhalation to mix with fresh air on inhalation.
  8. 13. a pulmonary _______ is a respiratory bronchiole and the lung tissue that it ventilates (basically the unit where gas exchange occurs) – alveoli within walls of resp bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveolar sac.
  9. 14. part of the syrinx of birds are the _________ _____________ in the lateral and medial walls of the primary bronchi (at the bifurcation of the trachea).
  10. 15. the trachea is supported by hyaline cartilage _______ (complete in birds, incomplete in mammals)
  11. 17. the cervical and ____________ air sacs in birds are UNPAIRED (single)
  12. 18. the air sacs in birds, as well as having respiratory function, lighten then body, may extend into __________ /hollow bones.
  13. 21. the rings supporting the trachea are made of _______ cartilage.
  14. 24. the _____ branching of the bronchi is the small bronchus (right before the bronchioles).
  15. 25. the trachea in birds is palpable on the ______ side of the neck. And bifurcates dorsal to the base of the heart.
  16. 28. the air flow in birds respiratory system is ___-directional and thus very efficient. Fresh air flows through the lungs during both inspiration and expiration.
  17. 31. the trachea in birds is supported by complete cartilaginous rings that _______.
  18. 32. the air sacs in birds __ ____ participate in gas exchange. They expand and contract the act like bellows, push air through lungs.
  19. 33. the wedge shaped cartilage between the bifurcation of the primary bronchi/trachea in the bird – part of the syrinx.
  20. 35. the __________ group of air sacs in birds include – cervical (x1), clavicular (x1), cranial thoracic (x2) and cervicocephalic (only in some birds – strong fliers).
  21. 36. the cranial group of air sacs __________ stale air from the lungs and expel it through the trachea.
  22. 37. the caudal group of air sacs in birds supply ______ air to the lungs
  23. 40. the cartilage rings supporting the trachea in mammals are incomplete on the _______ surface.
  24. 43. development of the lower airways – develop of an outgrowth from the embryonic fore____. – the laryngotracheal groove forms in the endoderm on the floor of the future oesophagus – respiratory diverticulum develops (see diagram pg 3)