
  1. 4. chemoreceptors located in medulla stimulated by hydrogen ion
  2. 5. gas exchange that occurs when oxygen moves from blood into tissues and wastes move into blood
  3. 9. amount of air moving in and out during relaxed breathing
  4. 11. process of food or fluids entering the respiratory tract
  5. 13. ease of expansion of thorax and lungs
  6. 14. exchange of air between the atmosphere and the alveoli
  7. 15. blood is about 70% saturated with oxygen
  8. 16. excessive rate of breathing
  9. 18. decreased hydrogen ions and increased bicarbonate ions in body
  10. 20. respiratory rate and depth are increased causing increased exhalation of carbon dioxide
  11. 21. volume of air expelled by maximum exhalation after maximum inhalation
  12. 22. chemoreceptors located in carotid and aorta which respond to extremely low blood oxygen levels
  13. 25. decreased arterial blood level of oxygen
  14. 26. placement of fist below xiphoid process and umbilicus causes air to force object blocking airway
  15. 28. carbon dioxide is transported as this in the blood
  16. 29. amount of air is insufficient to meet metabolic requirements
  17. 30. temporary cessation of breathing for short periods of time
  1. 1. determines how easily air flows down the pressure gradient
  2. 2. reduces water surface tension allowing alveoli to expand
  3. 3. cells take in oxygen to breakdown nutrients
  4. 6. amount of air left in lungs after maximum exhale
  5. 7. continuous double membrane that covers lungs
  6. 8. this can affect the respiratory rate and cause an increase
  7. 9. total volume of air that can be contained in lungs after maximum inhalation
  8. 10. amount of fluid needed in 24 hours to mobilize secretions
  9. 12. pressure of gas within a mixture
  10. 17. this is initiated by cilia moving mucous and foreign bodies to be expelled
  11. 19. uses abdominal muscles to help expel air
  12. 23. increased hydrogen ions in body
  13. 24. elevated arterial blood level of carbon dioxide
  14. 25. decreased oxygen levels in the tissues
  15. 27. gas exchange that occurs when oxygen moves from the alveoli into the blood and CO2 moves into alveoli