
  1. 3. Genetic disorder of the exocrine glands causes sticky mucus obstruction, chronic cough, frequent infections, failure to gain weight with distended abdomen, salty skin, fatty stools, permanent damage to lungs that leads to respiratory failure or Right CHF
  2. 6. Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
  3. 9. Normal value is 80-100
  4. 12. Prevents excessive lung expansion
  5. 13. Pneumoniae, Community Acquired Pneumonia
  6. 14. Chemoreceptors that are sensitive to decreased O2 levels in arterial blood as well as low pH
  7. 15. Chronic inflammatory disorder of air ways symptoms of cough, dyspnea, chest tightness, wheezing, rapid and labored breathing, thick sticky mucus, respiratory alkalosis/acidosis, respiratory distress/failure
  1. 1. Normal value 22-26
  2. 2. Normal Value is 7.35-7.45
  3. 4. Normal value is 95-100%
  4. 5. Breakdown of alveolar wall, fibrosis and thickening of bronchial, difficulty with expiration, large permanently inflated air spaces with significant loss of tissue
  5. 7. Persistent productive cough, dyspnea, wheezing, hoarseness, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, hemothorax
  6. 8. Coughing, choking, stridor, wheezing, tachycardia, tachypnea, flaring nostrils, chest retractions, marked hypoxia, cardia and respiratory arrest quickly occurs
  7. 10. Chemoreceptors that respond quickly to slight elevations of PCO2 or a decrease in pH of cerebrospinal fluid
  8. 11. Primary controls for breathing
  9. 14. Normal value is 35-45