
  1. 2. at the bottom of the lungs
  2. 5. dust and debris from nose
  3. 6. term for lung
  4. 7. cage, bone structure that protects lungs
  5. 8. damge to the alveoli due to smoking
  6. 10. infection of the lungs
  7. 15. air, air left after most forceful breath
  8. 16. entrance for air
  9. 18. volume, amount of air in one breath
  10. 19. of bronchioles
  11. 20. tube that splits air to right and left lung
  12. 21. conduits that branch out from bronchioles
  13. 22. enters here after the larynx
  14. 24. entrance for air
  15. 25. term for voice box
  1. 1. that sits on windpipe to prevent food entry
  2. 3. of air intake in one minute
  3. 4. pathogens
  4. 9. for air and food
  5. 11. cords, thin folds of tissue that produce vibrations
  6. 12. cavity, where the lungs are located
  7. 13. organ that occupys the thoracic cavity
  8. 14. connective tissue that protects windpipe
  9. 17. of the larynx
  10. 23. of cells that sweep mucous out of airway