
  1. 4. many tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas is exchanged
  2. 7. in the elderly, the flu often leads to this
  3. 8. bluish discoloration of the skin as a result of low oxygen
  4. 12. difficulty moving air in and out of lungs
  5. 15. accumulation of fluid in lung tissue and alveoli
  6. 16. easiest quickest way to measure oxygen levels in the blood
  7. 17. another word for windpipe
  8. 19. this happens when the tiny air sacs in the lungs are deflated or blocked with fluid
  9. 21. inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleura
  10. 22. removing fluid from the pleural space
  1. 1. difficulty breathing while laying down
  2. 2. best time of day to collect sputum sample
  3. 3. device used to encourage patients to take deep breaths
  4. 5. increased respiratory rate
  5. 6. tube inserted into the trachea and attached to a ventilator
  6. 9. nose bleed
  7. 10. collapsed lung due to air in the pleural space
  8. 11. another word for throat
  9. 13. the common cold
  10. 14. passage of a foreign substance into the pulmonary artery
  11. 18. collection of pus in the pleural cavity
  12. 20. oxygen level in the blood below normal range