  1. 3. also called EPISTAXIS
  2. 6. it is a test to measures the competency and quality of the artery.
  3. 7. it covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  4. 8. Indicates the Higher PH level
  5. 12. presence of air within the pleural cavity occurs spontaneously or as a result of trauma
  6. 15. indicates lower PH level
  7. 17. Also known as windpipe
  8. 19. passageway for the respiratory and digestive tracts
  9. 20. a chronic disease with excessive inflation of the air spaces
  10. 21. the central compartment of the thoracic cavity
  11. 23. means surgical repair
  12. 24. PH means Potential _______
  13. 25. removal of a lobe of a lung
  14. 27. actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  1. 1. it helps break up thick fluids in lungs
  2. 2. removal of stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  3. 4. the movement of air in and out of airways
  4. 5. acute inflammation of lungs
  5. 9. a needle puncture through the chest wall.
  6. 10. means puncture to withdraw fluid
  7. 11. the other term for CHRONIC BRONCHITIS
  8. 13. characterized by airway inflammation (allergens, cold air, or dusts)
  9. 14. means surgically create an opening
  10. 16. "Lung collapse"
  11. 18. medical term for pockets of pus that collected inside a body cavity
  12. 19. refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  13. 22. means surgical removal
  14. 26. it serves as a pathway to conduct gases to alveoli