
  1. 3. Multisystem granulomatous disorder typically presenting with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
  2. 5. Additional Medical management of Asthma when SABA and ICS do not control symptoms
  3. 7. Management of secondary pneumothorax with >2cm rim of air on X-Ray
  4. 8. score used to assess severity of pneumonia
  5. 9. ABG abnormality caused by anxiety leading to hyperventilation Respiratory _____
  6. 12. Dry cough and fine end-inspiratory crackles
  7. 14. Home management for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
  8. 16. Type of pleural effusion caused by protein leakage into pleural space, giving a high protein count
  1. 1. Coarse crackles and finger clubbing on examination
  2. 2. Presentation of SOB, pleuritic chest pain and tachycardia
  3. 4. Type of lung cancer which is more prevalent in non-smokers
  4. 6. Respiratory failure showing hypoxia and hypercapnia on ABG
  5. 10. Type of lung cancer causing SIADH as a paraneoplastic syndrome
  6. 11. First line drug management of asthma
  7. 13. PEFR of 33-50% indicates a ___ acute asthma attack
  8. 15. long term smoking history with FEV1/FVC <0.7 on spirometry