
  1. 1. a long acting antihistamine
  2. 3. stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
  3. 4. anti tb drugs have this adverse reaction
  4. 5. nasal inflammation with runny nose and eyes
  5. 10. TB antibiotic is given ______ ____ (no space in puzzle)
  6. 13. we teach the person not to drive when taking
  7. 15. a maintenance inhaler used in asthma and COPD
  8. 16. reduces the viscosity of respiratory secretions
  9. 17. the type of infection a patient may have if they don't rinse after using an inhaler
  10. 20. an inhaled steroid that reduces inflammation
  11. 21. relieves cough and increases secretions
  1. 2. cough that produces no secretions
  2. 5. can cause reddish-orange body secretions
  3. 6. a clue that the liver is being damaged by a drug
  4. 7. anti tb antibiotics can cause this problem
  5. 8. works in the brain to decrease cough reflex
  6. 9. a concern to the nurse because of extended treatment required for TB
  7. 11. the type of drug therapy we give to treat TB
  8. 12. a spray that can help
  9. 14. a problem that many respiratory drugs can cause
  10. 18. overusing decongestant can cause ____ congestion
  11. 19. when a patient may need a bronchodilator