
  1. 2. causes constipation & respiratory depression
  2. 3. watch for this side effect with montelukast
  3. 7. used for dry cough
  4. 12. longer duration of action (LABA)
  5. 14. best form of expectorant
  6. 15. generation antihistamine doesn't cause drowsiness
  7. 16. used for acute asthma attack
  8. 18. first generation antihistamine
  9. 19. increases theophylline levels
  1. 1. corticosteroid used for seasonal rhinitis
  2. 4. antidote for acetaminophen overdose
  3. 5. used as a maintenance medication for asthma/COPD
  4. 6. decreases theophylline levels
  5. 8. therapeutic range 10-20mcg/mL, toxicity (GI distress, tachycardia, seizures)
  6. 9. overuse causes rebound congestion
  7. 10. do not stop abruptly due to adrenal insufficiency
  8. 11. used after a bronchodilator
  9. 13. anticholinergic medication used in conjunction with a SABA for asthma
  10. 17. opportunistic side effect from steroids